2024 09 11 release notes (core)
Release summary
This page summarises items scheduled for the following release to the Patchworks Production environment.
Patchworks core (backend)
11th September 2024 @ 9am
Patchworks dashboard (frontend)
11th September 2024 @ 9am
New features, updates, and enhancements of note are summarised by product area, below:
Process flows
All shapes - source/target inheritance Shapes will not longer inherit source/target instance & endpoint details from the previous connector step.
Run process flow shape settings Fixed an issue where run process flow shape settings were not retained when the process flow was installed from the marketplace.
Run process flow shape - payloads Fixed an issue where the payload passed into a run process flow shape wasn't being passed to the next shape, causing the flow to stop.
Setting meta variables from a manual payload Fixed an issue where setting variables (via a set variables shape) from a manual payload was not working as expected.
Route shape - is null comparison Fixed an issue where a process flow would stop if a route condition included an IS NULL condition and the element did not exist in the payload.
Map shape - override source/target format
Fixed an issue where selections made for override source format
and override target format
option were not saved correctly.
Company insights
UI updates A number of minor UI updates have been made, including: max limit indicator on gauges now shows how far over the allowance usage has gone; data numbers are now shown in GB; info icon added to operations dial.
General UI
Reactivate Deleted Users Patchworks Admin users now have the ability to reactivate deleted users.
Map Source no longer auto selected The mapping source is no longer auto selected based on the previous connections shape,
Last updated