Notify shape


The notify shape is used to create custom notification messages for output to run logs and email messages.

To achieve this, you compose a notification template within the shape settings using any combination of static text and variables. When the process flow runs and hits this shape, the notification message is generated from your defined template and is then:

  • Output to the run logs AND/OR

  • Emailed to recipients in selected notification groups

Need to know

  • Notification templates can include dynamic content from variables.

  • Email notifications are sent irrespective of whether a process flow is enabled and deployed.

  • The maximum number of email notifications that can be sent (across all process flows for your company profile) is determined by your Core subscription tier. If you manage multiple linked profiles, each one of these will have its own allowance.

Using variables in notification templates

Notification templates can include dynamic content from payload, flow, and meta variables.

Variables return the first 100 characters of the associated content.

In the example below, we use two flow variables to retrieve a store name (store_name) and a team name (query_team), and a payload variable (our_id) to retrieve required information from the payload:

You can incorporate payload, flow and meta variables in notify messages.

Adding & configuring a notify shape

Step 1 In your process flow, add the notify shape in the usual way:

Step 2 Select an alert level from the dropdown field:

The selection made here determines how this notification is displayed in logs and email messages:

StatusDisplay colour









Email notifications always includealert level as a status, which can be useful if you want to define mailbox filters based on the alert level. An example message is shown below:

Step 3 Choose notification channel(s) to be used - i.e. how these notifications should be communicated:

Available options are summarised below:


Email +Log

The defined notification message is sent to any specified email notification groups AND output to run logs.


The defined notification message is sent to any specified email notification groups. It is NOT output to run logs.


The defined notification message is output to run logs. Email notification groups are not available for selection (so no emails are sent).

Step 4

This field is not displayed if the channel is set to log in the previous step.

The email limit determines the maximum number of emails that the notify shape can send per flow run.:

For example, if you select a notification group that contains 20 recipients and set the email limit to 10, the first 10 recipients will receive emails and the remaining 10 in the group will NOT receive emails.

Step 5

This field is not displayed if the channel is set to log in the previous step.

If you want to send this notification to email recipients, select the required notification group:

All defined notification groups are available for selection. If you need to add a new group or check recipients in an existing group, please check our Notification groups page.

Remember that the email limit defined in the previous step may limit the number of recipients to receive emails. It's a good idea to check how many recipients are in your selected notification group, and that your email limit is set appropriately.

Step 6 Add your required notification text/variables to the notification template section:

Remember that a notification message can include static text and (using variables) dynamic content.

If you need more space, you can drag this field further down using the handlebar in the bottom right corner:

Step 7 Save the shape.

Last updated