Viewing logs
Having accessed run logs and selected the view logs option for a given flow run, you can view:
Insights summary
The insights summary is divided into three functional areas:

In the top, right-hand corner (1) you'll find additional options via an ellipses menu - these options will vary, depending on whether the run succeeded or failed. See Additional options for more information.
In the top panel (2), you can see basic details for the process flow (name, id, version and status, and how triggered) together with duration, CPU usage time, data used, and score.
If this log relates to an inactive process flow version that's been deleted, you'll see a message to this effect against flow version
- for example:
The lower panel (3) shows every step (i.e. every shape) in the flow. These are listed in processing sequence, with the following information:
View detailed logs and payloads for this shape.
A visual cue is provided for any errors or warnings associated with the shape. Only one icon is displayed - if a shape encounters both a warning and an error, the error status takes precedence.
The name given for the shape in the process flow. If your process flow includes custom names for shapes, these are shown here - otherwise the default name is displayed.
The underlying microservice for the shape.
Flow id
Patchworks id for the process flow. You'll see this number in the canvas title block (immediately above the title) when editing the flow:
CPU time
The total amount of time spent processing.
Payload count
The total number of payloads processed.
Payload size
The total size of processed payloads.
Operations received
The number of operations completed to receive data. For more information please see About operations.
Operations sent
The number of operations completed to send data. For more information please see About operations.
A visual representation of where each step starts and finishes.
Understanding scores
The score is a measure of how efficient/expensive (in terms of processing) your process flows are, based on the volume of data processed per second - 999 is the highest score.
Your score is based on all runs for all process flows associated with your company profile. This includes flows that are:
Triggered by a schedule, webhook, or event
Initialised by an API request
Run manually
Enabled or disabled when run
Draft or deployed status when run
If your score is on the low side, it may be that your process flow is necessarily complex - including items such as scripts, transformations, flow control, caches, etc., has an impact on your score.
However, it's always worth checking a low-scored process flow further as there may be places where your process flows can be optimised (for example, does a flow include lots of mapping transformations that could be achieved in a single script?). A quick scan down the shapes list in the lower panel will show, at a glance, which shapes in your flow are taking longer to process or perhaps processing unusually high volumes of data.
If your score is low and you're satisfied that the process flow is built optimally, don't worry too much- scores are just there as a flag to indicate that it's worth checking the efficiency of your flow.
See our Best practice for building process flows section for advice on building efficient process flows.
Detailed logs
In the lower panel of the insights summary, you can click any entry to access detailed logs:

In the top section, you can see a full history of what happened during this step - this will often display over multiple pages:

In the lower section, you can view and download any payloads associated with this step. Click the 'view' icon associated with any payload to see the contents:

...the payload is displayed:

Longer payloads are trimmed but you can use the download option to retrieve the full content:

Payloads are available for 72 hours after the process flow has run.
If a failed payload was removed so that the flow run could continue (either because connector settings are set to do this OR a try/catch shape has found exceptions), it's displayed with a failed payload status - for example:
Additional options
The ellipses icon in the top, right-hand corner provides access to additional options. These options vary, depending on whether the run failed or succeeded:
When a run is successful or partially successful, you can download run logs. If the run failed, you can download logs and also retry the run.
Last updated