2024 10 16 release notes (core)

Release summary

This page summarises items scheduled for the following release to the Patchworks Core Production environment.

Release version
Release date


16th October 2024 @ 9am

New features, updates, and enhancements of note are summarised by product area, below:

Process flows

Ref #

Try/catch shape Our new try/catch shape gives you full control over how process flow exceptions are handled. Errors are caught, removed from the flow and sent down your defined path (for example, you might use the notify shape to alert contacts about issues and/or add exceptions to a cache for follow-up processing). Try/catch shape



Queue priority setting for process flows A new queue priority option is available in process flow settings. Use this to determine whether runs for this flow should be picked from your queue as a high, low, or regular priority (the default is regular). Process flow settings



Improved error message for invalid endpoint URL If a connector request is calling / (i.e. the endpoint URL has not been defined), a clear message is now displayed in run logs, advising the user to check the request endpoint (previously an internal error message was given). Run logs


Connector builder

Ref #
Breaking change

Body content none for SEND endpoints This update introduces a feature flag to manage a potentially breaking change for connector endpoints SENDing requests with body format set to none. Affected customers have been identified and will receive an email detailing affected endpoints. This change will stay switched OFF for affected customers. For everyone else, it is switched ON as part of this release.

For more information please see our Breaking changes section below.



Endpoint names should not be unique between connectors Fixed an issue where a duplicate name error was incorrectly prompted when attempting to create an endpoint with the same name as another endpoint associated with a different connector. Endpoint names are not unique between connectors. Connector endpoints


Custom scripts

Ref #

Additional libraries for PHP and C#

Custom scripting


Breaking change: connector endpoints where body content is set to none

When configuring connector endpoints which are set to SEND data via the request body, behaviour associated with the body format / none setting has changed.

Previously, if a connector endpoint includes static body content - or if your API passed payloads into the body - this content was passed into the request body even if the body format option was set to none. Now, all request body content is ignored if the body format option is set to none.

However, this change is behind a 'feature flag' which means this feature change is be switched on for customers in a controlled way.

Why the change?

This change has been released to prevent content from being sent erroneously.

An example of this is where an endpoint is defined to send specified JSON content in the body with the body format set to raw/json.

Before this update, if this option was subsequently changed to none (because existing JSON content is no longer required) but the specified content was not removed, it would continue to be sent.

Who is affected?

  • If you have built connectors (using our connector builder) with an API that SENDs incoming payloads in the request body, you may be affected.

  • A handful of Patchworks marketplace connectors are affected.

What do I need to do?

We have identified customers who may be affected and in these cases, this feature change is switched OFF. This means there is no change to how your connectors (and therefore process flows) behave.

If you are affected

If you are affected, we will be reaching out individually by email, before our release on the 16th October 2024. In this email, we will list any affected connectors and process flows. Then, you can either:

  • Check/update your own endpoints (see instructions below) - then notify Patchworks that you're happy for this feature change to be switched on


If you are NOT affected

All affected customers will be notified before the 16th October 2024. If you don't receive an email, you are not affected by this change and it will be switched ON from the 16th October 2024.

I'm affected. Is there a deadline for fixing my endpoints?

No. This feature change will remain switched off for affected customers until either:


  • You have completed the required fixes on a call with Patchworks and confirmed that you're happy for the feature change to be switched ON.

I've fixed my own endpoints - how do I notify Patchworks?

If you've fixed your own endpoints and are ready for the feature change to be switched ON, please get in touch with support. The feature change will then be switched on as soon as possible, and you will be notified when this is complete.

How to change the body format for a connector endpoint

If you want to check/update your connector endpoints, the required steps are detailed below.

Step 1 Log in to the Patchworks dashboard, then select process flows > connectors & instances:

Step 2 Click the settings icon associated with a connector that you want to update:

Step 3 Click the endpoints tab:

Step 4 Click the name of the endpoint that you want to update:

If the connector includes a lot of endpoints, use CTRL+F to search for a specific part of the endpoint name.

Step 5 Click the body tab from the endpoint setup page:

Step 6 Click in the body format field and select raw from the dropdown list:

With this setting, any incoming payload will be sent in the request body.

Step 7 Set the data type as required (the default is JSON):

Step 8 Click the save and go back button at the bottom of the page.

Step 9 Repeat for each affected endpoint.

Step 10 This step is only required if affected endpoints are associated with a connector that has been uploaded to your private marketplace:

  • If an affected connector exists in your private marketplace, you should re-upload it so the latest version is available in future. See Changing a private marketplace connector for more information.

  • If an affected connector is part of a private marketplace process flow, you should delete the existing process flow from your marketplace and upload the latest version. See Changing other private marketplace resources for more information.

  • If an affected connector is part of a private marketplace blueprint, you should re-upload it so the latest version is available in future. See Changing a private marketplace blueprint for more information.

Last updated