Company insights overview


The company insights page is designed to help you understand how your process flows are performing, and resource usage. At a glance you can see which process flows are most heavy on resources, drilling down to performance for connectors and shapes that are included within those process flows:

Need to know

  • Company insights data is loaded at 1 a.m. every morning. This means that data for the current day will not be fully populated until 1 a.m the following day.

Understanding the company insights page

There are five key areas to consider on the company insights page:




Parent company selector. If you manage multiple linked companies (using our partner features bolt-on), you'll see insights for your own (parent) company profile by default. You can also use this dropdown field to view aggregated insights for all your linked companies. This option is only displayed if the partner features bolt-on is enabled for your company profile.


Performance snapshot panel. At a glance, view your aggregated resource usage and score. These numbers are for the month and data type currently selected.


Data selectors. Choose the type of data be analysed - process flows, connectors, or shapes.


Combination chart. A visual representation of CPU and data usage by day, for the month and data type currently selected.


Data breakdown. A breakdown of each process flow, connector, or shape (depending which data type is selected) that's included in aggregated totals for the selected month.

Performance snapshot panel

The snapshot panel provides summary metrics for the overall performance of your company's process flows, connectors used in process flows, and shapes used in process flows, for the selected month.

These metrics are summarised below:


Data usage

The aggregated size of all payloads that leave each shape in a process flow - these are known as payloads out.

Operation usage

The total number of operations completed. For more information about how operations are calculated please see About operations.


This is a measure of how efficient/expensive (in terms of processing) your process flows are, based on the amount of data processed per second - 999 is the highest score.

Your score is based on all runs for all process flows associated with your company profile. This includes flows that are:

  • Triggered by a schedule, webhook, or event

  • Initialised by an API request

  • Run manually

  • Enabled or disabled when run

  • Draft or deployed status when run

If your score is on the low side, it may be that your process flows are necessarily complex - including items such as scripts, transformations, flow control, caches, etc., will have an impact on your score.

However, if a score is low, it's always worth checking further as there may be places where your process flows can be optimised (for example, does a flow include lots of mapping transformations that could be achieved in a single script?).

By choosing to view insights for shape data, it's sometimes very obvious which shapes are 'expensive' and making the biggest contribution to your lower score. However, if your score is on the low side and you're satisfied that the process flow is built optimally, don't worry too much about the score - it's just there as an indicator.

Please see our Best practice for building process flows section for advice on building efficient process flows.

The colour of usage gauges changes to reflect how close your usage is to the associated allowance.

The data usage value shown here is the same as displayed in the left-hand navigation bar. If you notice a difference occasionally, this is most likely due to caching - values in the navigation bar are cached but values on the main insights page are not. If this happens, you should work from values shown on the insights page (caching will resolve itself in due course).

Data selectors

You can view insights for process flows, connectors used in process flows, and shapes used in process flows (for the selected month) - click the required selector tab for whichever of these you want to view:

Changing the selection here updates all metrics and analysis for the new data type.

Combination chart

The combination chart shows aggregated CPU usage (line) and payload size (bars) by day, for the selected month:

You can interact with this chart in several ways:

Hover your cursor over an option to bring the corresponding data into focus:

Click an option to toggle the corresponding data on/off:

Hover your cursor over any data point to view summary information:

Data breakdown panel

Beneath the combination chart, you'll find a breakdown of items (process flows, connectors, or shapes) included in summary metrics.

Process flow data

When process flow data is selected, you'll see a list of process flows that have been run within the selected month:

For each entry you can see the process flow name, CPU time used, the number of times used (i.e. run); data usage, operations usage, and score. If your overall score is low, this is a great place to pinpoint particular process flows with a low score and may benefit from a review.

To view more details for an entry, click the associated 'view' icon - here you'll see a breakdown for each version of the process flow that has been run (in the selected month):

Connector data

When connector data is selected, you'll see a list of connectors that have been used within the selected month:

For each entry you can see the connector name, CPU time used, the number of times used; data usage, operations usage, and score. If your overall score is low, this is a great place to pinpoint particular connectors with a low score and may benefit from a review.

To view more details for an entry, click the associated 'view' icon - here you'll see a breakdown of the specific connector endpoints and instances that were used (in the selected month):

Shape data

When shape data is selected, you'll see a list of shapes that have been used in process flows, within the selected month:

For each entry you can see the shape name, CPU time used, the number of times used; data usage, operation usage, and score. If your overall score is low, this is a great place to pinpoint a particular shape with a low score and may benefit from a review.

For script shapes, click the associated 'view' icon - here you'll see a breakdown for all scripts (and versions) that were used in the selected month:

Managed company insights

If you manage multiple linked companies (using our partner features bolt-on), you can choose to view aggregated insights for all your managed companies:

Having selected this option, you'll see a snapshot panel with aggregated totals for all of your linked/managed companies:

If you want to see full company insights for a managed company, you should switch to that company and access company insights in the usual way.

Last updated