Field tagging


The essence of process flows is to pull defined data from one Patchworks connector (i.e. a third-party system) and push it into at least one other connector (i.e. another third-party system). It’s unlikely that two third-party systems will have the same data structures, therefore we use the mapping shape to define where a data field from one connector should be placed in another.

When you build a connector using the connector builder, available field mappings are determined by the data schema specified for the endpoint. Field names used in data schemas can appear to be quite random and complex - this is fine if you know the schema and you're the only company ever likely to install the associated connector, but if you think that you might want to share your connector with other Patchworks customers in future, then field tagging is really important.

What is a field tag?

A field tag is a standard Patchworks tag that can be applied for a data field in the schema associated with a connector endpoint.

The Patchworks field tag taxonomy covers a wide range of entities across orders, products, fulfilments, and inventory. You'll see this if/when you come to apply field tags.

We are adding to the field tag taxonomy all the time, so you can expect the current list of tags to grow.

How do field tags help?

By standardising how fields are identified across all connectors, we can automate mappings between them.

So, if you add two connection shapes to a process flow - each with endpoints that have been fully tagged - you'll find that mappings are automatically created when you add a map shape between them. Without field tagging, you need to apply mappings manually.

Do I have to apply field tags?

Field tagging isn't mandatory if you're building a connector that will only ever be used within your own company.

However, if there's a chance that you'd like to share your connector in the Patchworks marketplace for other organisations to install, then you must apply standard Patchworks field tags - this will be a condition of verification.

Currently, the Patchworks Marketplace includes Patchworks prebuilt connectors that can be viewed/installed by all Patchworks customers. Additionally, you'll see any connectors that you've built with the connector builder - right now, only users within your company will see these.

In the near future, you will be able to submit any connectors that you build for verification. Verified connectors will be available in the Patchworks Marketplace, for other Patchworks customers to install.

Can I apply multiple field tags for a single field?

Yes - if a data field in your schema needs to be associated with more than one tag, you can apply as many as you need.

What are tracked fields?

Tracked fields are now deprecated. Fields can now be tracked via the track data shape.

When you choose to add a field tag, you'll see a tracked option. Typically, this should be set for fields that you might need to track if/how records have been processed.

For example, if you're configuring an endpoint to receive 'order' data, there will usually be some sort of order id field that uniquely identifies each order; if you're configuring an endpoint to receive 'customer' data, there will usually be some sort of customer id field that uniquely identifies each customer.

By marking these fields as 'tracked', they become for viewing/filtering/selecting wherever tracked data is shown in Patchworks.

Tracked data can be viewed/searched from the tracked data page, so you can check when records associated with this field have been processed.

When building process flows you can define fields to track 'on the fly', using the track data shape.

Last updated