

The connectors page allows you to browse, install and update all prebuilt connectors - these are 'standard' connectors that Patchworks builds and maintains.

When you install a connector, it is added to your connectors list - from here you can add instances (authenticated with your credentials for that system) and then start working with these as process flow connections.

If you need to connect a system which does not exist in the marketplace and you have an understanding of APIs and data structures, you can build your own connector with our connector builder (perhaps starting from a Postman import if a Postman collection is available).

Browsing connectors

Having selected the connectors option from the marketplace, you can browse and install prebuilt connectors:

Connectors are displayed as tiles over a series of pages, which you can step through using page numbers at the bottom of the marketplace. Each connector includes general details and an install option:

For all information about working with connectors and instances, please see our Connectors & instances section.

Last updated