Run logs & queue


The run logs page is used to access detailed logs and payloads for active and previous process flow runs and your run queue.

Accessing your run logs & queue page

To access the run logs & queue page, follow the steps below.

Step 1 Log into the Patchworks dashboard and select run logs from the left-hand navigation menu:

Step 2 Select the active tab for active and previous runs or the queue tab for pending runs:

Working with run logs

The active tab displays active and previous process flow runs - these are listed chronologically based on the run start time:

At a glance, you can see the outcome of a run, the start date/time, the duration, how the run was triggered and whether there were any warnings.

Failed runs are shown with an expandable summary of why the run failed, and you can also access additional options to access detailed logs, and more.

Click the name of a process flow to access its setup.

If a process flow is running it is displayed with a 'stop' button that you can use to stop the run.

Need to know

  • Run logs are retained for 7 days.

  • Payloads are retained for 72 hours.

  • Payloads are stored in AWS S3 (eu-west-2 London).

  • Payloads are encrypted during pull/push operations (HTTPS, TLS 1.2/1.3).

  • There is a limit on the number of process flow runs that can be started per minute. This limit varies according to your subscription tier - please see Core subscription tiers for information.

Searching run logs

If you're looking for a specific log, you can use the search field to search by flow run id or by process flow name:

Searching by flow run ID

If you want to find logs for a specific flow run id, type the full id into the search field - for example:

You must enter the id in full - partial elements are not matched.

A flow run id search is not case sensitive - entering 01j6errxr432r4k4dh41y5ttpc is the same as 01J6ERRXR432R4K4DH41Y5TTPC or 01J6eRRxR432r4K4DH41Y5ttPC.

Searching by flow name

If you want to find logs for a process flow that you only know by name, type any part of the name into the search field - for example:

You can enter as much or as little of the name as you like.

A flow name search is not case sensitive - entering CHECK is the same as check or Check.

The default view

By default, logs are displayed for the last seven days. You can change this using the associated date filter - here, you can clear all filters to show all available logs, or add rules to apply a new date/time range:


Use filters to refine the list based on the value associated with a particular column. Currently, you can filter logs by:

  • Started at date

  • Trigger (schedule, manual, API, etc.)

  • Has warnings

  • Status

To define a filter, click the filter icon associated with a column - for example:

...then make selections from the options provided - for example:

The date filter displays date/time rule pickers:

Show stats

The show stats option can be togged ON to view additional columns in the log table:

When this option is togged ON, three more columns are shown - these show insights for the performance of the process flow.

Further insights are available from the logs associated with each run, and also from your company insights page.

Run status

The status of a run will be one of the following:



The process run was completed success without errors.

Partial success

The process flow run was completed successfully however at least one failed payload was removed.


The process run did not complete due to errors.


The failed run has been retried.


The process flow was stopped manually.


The process flow is currently running.


If warnings are given during a run (be it failed or successful), the entry is shown with an icon in the Has warnings column - for example:

If the run failed, you should view associated logs to check these warnings, then make any changes necessary to your process flow. If the run succeeded, you should still view the logs for warnings in case the issue causes a failure in the future.

Checking the reason for a failed run

Run logs can contain a lot of information and there may be times when you want to quickly check why a run has failed.

When a process flow run is initialised but fails somewhere in the run, its status is set to failed and an expandable arrow is shown to the left of the entry - click this arrow to view a summary of why the failure occurred. For example:

Additional options

Each log entry has an ellipses icon, with access to additional options:

From here you can:

  • View logs. Access more insights and detailed logs for this run. For more information please see our viewing logs page.

  • View logs (classic). If you prefer to work with 'original style' logs, you can access them from here. For more information please see our viewing logs (classic) page.

  • Download logs. Use this option to download detailed logs in CSV format. For more information please see our downloading run logs page.

  • Retry the flow run. Use this option to retry a process flow run that previously failed. For more information please see our retrying a failed process flow run page.

Working with your run queue

When a process flow runs via an automated trigger or an API request, the run job is added to a queue. As such, there can be a delay (typically very short) between the time a process flow is initialised/queued and when it actually runs.

The time that jobs remain in the queue varies according to how busy the Patchworks platform is, and your subscription allowance for concurrent processing flows. Often processing will happen immediately, other times there may be a wait of a few minutes, occasionally longer.

To ensure that queued time does not impact any relative date/time filters defined in the flow, the use queued time option (in process flow settings) should be toggled ON.

Need to know

About concurrent processing

Every 30 seconds, Patchworks checks how many process flows you are currently running and - depending on your concurrent process flows allowance - pulls more jobs from your queue to run. Your Patchworks subscription tier includes two process flow allowances that are relevant here:


Active process flows

The number of process flows that can be deployed & enabled at any one time - i.e. the number of process flows that can be scheduled to run automatically.

Concurrent process flows

The number of process flows that can be running at the same time.

These allowances determine how your process flow run jobs are pulled from your queue. Let's look at some examples based on:

  • Your subscription tier allows for 30 concurrent process flows

  • You have 20 active/scheduled process flows

  • You have 100 jobs waiting in your queue

Example 1 Suppose that Patchworks checks the number of concurrent process flows you are running and finds you have 30 process flows running now.

In this case, your concurrency allowance is full, so no more jobs will be pulled from the queue until (a) at least one of the current jobs has finished and (b) the 30-second check happens again.

Example 2 Suppose that Patchworks checks the number of concurrent process flows you are running and finds you have 20 process flows running now.

In this case, 10 process flows will be pulled from the queue to run - meeting your concurrency allowance of 30 running flows.

Example 3 Suppose that Patchworks checks the number of concurrent process flows you are running and finds you have 0 process flows running now.

In this case, 30 process flows will be pulled from the queue to run - meeting your concurrency allowance of 30 running flows.

Are all run jobs queued?

No. In Patchworks, there are several ways that a process flow might be initialised - the table below summarises which of these methods result in a queued run.

Viewing your run queue

You can view all of your pending runs from the queue tab - entries are listed chronologically based on the time that the job was added to the queue:

At a glance, you can see:

  • Process flow name (hyperlinked so you can quickly access the flow)

  • Trigger

  • Queued at time

As soon as a pending job starts running, the entry is removed from this table and moves to the active run logs section.

Whether or not a process flow is queued depends on how it is initialised - see Are all run jobs queued? for more information.

Deleting a run job from your queue

To delete a run job job from your queue (so it doesn't run), click the associated using

When prompted, confirm this action:

In the unlikely event that you choose to delete a run job that has already left the queue (because the dashboard has not refreshed), you'll be advised of this when you attempt to confirm the delete action.

Last updated