2025 03 19 release notes (core)
Last updated
Last updated
This page summarises items scheduled for the following release to the Patchworks Core Production environment.
19th March 2025 (a.m)
New features, updates, and enhancements of note are summarised by product area, below:
SSO for enterprise identity management systems
You can now control access to the Patchworks dashboard via Okta, PingOne, and Azure. Setup for these providers is completed via a new company administration
option in general settings
Script pagination If you're building a connector endpoint with pagination requirements that can't be handled with a standard pagination method, you can now write your own script and call this for the pagination method.
Trigger shape - schedule times
For clarity on timezones, trigger shape schedule times are displayed with a (UTC)
label on the process flow canvas.
Soft callback limits
Given the nature of callbacks, soft and hard limits are now implemented for callback requests. Your determines the number of callback requests permitted per minute. With this in mind:
Soft limit If a callback request exceeds your subscription allowance up to and including the hard limit (see below) then processing continues normally, subject to any overage agreement that's in place.
Hard limit
A hard limit of 240
applies globally. If the number of callback requests made per minute exceeds the associated subscription tier allowance by 241 or more, the request fails with a 429 too many requests
Company insights Fixed an issue where combined totals for managed companies (viewed from a parent company) reflected the current day rather than the given month.
Download de-dupe data pool
Fixed an issue where attempting to download a de-dupe pool containing previously uploaded data (as opposed to data processed by a de-dupe shape with associated flow_run_id
and flow_id
values) would fail.
Relative date flow variables in manual runs
Fixed an issue where relative date flow variables were not decoded if the associated process flow was triggered using the initialise flow with payload