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Last updated
With a PingOne
SSO implementation, users log into the Patchworks dashboard from PingOne. Your PingOne administrator determines who has access to Patchworks and these users will see a Patchworks app in their PingOne dashboard.
Selecting this app directs the authenticated user to the Patchworks dashboard, where they are logged in directly. PingOne users never see or require a password to access the Patchworks dashboard.
Your PingOne administrator requires a Patchworks account with administrator permissions to complete this setup.
This guide details the setup required to integrate Patchworks with PingOne. For clarity, the setup is documented in six stages:
The steps detailed in this guide are shown in this demonstration video:
Your Patchworks user account must be associated with administrator permissions.
You must have administrator access to your PingOne dashboard.
In this stage, we create a new app in PingOne and copy the associated issuer id
for use in the next stage.
Step 1
Log into PingOne and select administrators
| applications
| applications
from the navigation menu:
Step 2 Click the plus icon at the top of the page:
Step 3
Enter an application name
(we suggest Patchworks
or similar), then select OIDC Web App
as the application type, and save changes:
The app is saved/published and configuration details are shown.
Step 4
Scroll down to the connection details
section and copy the issuer ID
Step 5 Leave this page where it is and go to the next stage.
In this stage, we add a new SSO provider in Patchworks using your PingOne issuer ID
(obtained in the previous stage) as the base URL
. This generates a set of URLs that we'll go on to apply in PingOne.
Step 1
In a new browser tab or window, log into the Patchworks dashboard and select my company admin
from general settings:
If you don't see this option, it's most likely that your user account is not associated with administrator permissions. In this case, please contact your system administrator.
Step 2
Click the PingOne
Step 3
Paste the issuer ID
for your new PingOne app (copied at the end of the previous stage) into the base URL
field but remove the /as
characters from the end:
It's important to remove the /as
characters from the end of the issuer ID
. For example:
would be entered as:
Step 4
Click the create
button to confirm.
Step 5 A PingOne provider is added - click this entry:'ll see that three Patchworks URLs have been generated - for example:
These URLs are needed to complete your PingOne setup in the next stage. For reference, these are:
Initiate sign-in url
Initiate Login URI
Callback url (auth url)
Redirect URIs
Logout url
Not required for PingOne
Note that URLs shown in our screenshots are for a development environment
. Yours will always be for a production environment
Step 6
Optionally, you can click the edit
option here and set a specific name for this implementation:
This isn't mandatory but using specific names can be useful if you're adding multiple implementations of the same type. Remember to save your change if you do update the name.
Step 7 Save changes.
Step 8 Leave this page open and switch back to PingOne for the next stage.
In this stage, we configure your new Patchworks app in PingOne. As part of this setup, we will provide URLs generated by Patchworks, at the end of the previous stage.
Step 1
Back in PingOne, select the configuration
Step 2
Edit settings, then move down to the redirect URIs
field and paste the callback URL
value from your PingOne provider setup in Patchworks:
When copying URLs from your Patchworks provider details, click anywhere on the required link to copy it to your clipboard:
Step 3
Set token endpoint authentication method
to client secret post
Step 4
Move down to the initiate login URI
field paste the initiate sign-in URL
value from your PingOne provider setup in Patchworks:
Step 5 Save your changes and go to the next stage.
In this stage, we take client credentials generated in PingOne, apply them to our PingOne provider setup in Patchworks, and enable this SSO implementation.
Step 1
Still in PingOne, scroll to the top of the configuration page and toggle the 'enable' option (to the right of the app name) to the on
Step 2
A little further down, you'll see client id
and client secret
details - copy the client id
Step 3
Switch to Patchworks and select the edit
option for your PingOne provider setup:
Step 4
Paste the client id
and then repeat the copy/paste for the client secret
Step 5
Toggle the enable
option to on
The SSO implementation won't be operational until this setup is enabled.
Step 6 Save changes:
In this stage, we define permissions (scopes) for the connection between PingOne and Patchworks.
Step 1
Still in PingOne, select the resources
tab at the top of the page:
Step 2 Edit scopes and make the following selections:
offline access
For example:
Step 3 Save changes to complete the setup. When you're ready you can go on to assign groups/users who can access Patchworks. This is standard PingOne functionality that isn't covered here.
To quickly test that a successful connection has been made between Patchworks and PingOne, switch back to the Patchworks dashboard, and copy the initiate sign-in URL
Now log out of Patchworks and paste the initiate sign-in URL
value into your browser - this should log straight into the Patchworks dashboard.